Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were you?

Alan Jackson's song, "Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)," runs through my head as I sit watching Lifetime's 9-11 Special.  Haunting images fill the screen.  And I remember.  Do you?  Where were you?

I worked for Sony Electronics at the time as a buyer.  September 11 was a rare day when I arrived at work early; walking through the doors at 6:30am.  I was surprised to see a number of people gathered in the break room.  I joined them and stood in shock as I watched. 

There truly are no words to describe.  The emotions.  The fear.  The wondering, "What now?"  I distinctly remember trying to go about business as usual.  Send e-mails.  Order parts.  Call vendors.  All the while, checking for updates and occasionally wandering back to the break room to watch TV.  Business as usual kept my mind occupied, but I didn't get much done.  I think eventually we were able to go home early.  I don't remember.  The tears came later . . . watching the images on TV, my computer.  Even today, I weep.  I experience the same shock, as I watch the day repeat through the videos of so many people who witnessed these events "live" in New York City. 

Much changed after this date.  Words express some of it - Security Lines, Buildings gone, War, Lost loved ones . . . but in reality, words are inadequate to capture the emotions, the consequences, and the significance of 9-11.

Where were you?


  1. I was in England still just days away from emigrating to the US. We had just spent a day out with our good friends Chris and Liz York, in Sherwood Forest of all places, celebrating her birthday which is 9/11. We came back to our room and flipped on the television and saw the towers coming down....I just remember being in total shock...I remember going to the top of those towers on my eighth grade field trip and now they were gone....

  2. I woke up came downstairs to get breakfast and turned the TV on,I was living in Goshen, Ohio out in the country. I thought the world was ending as I saw images so disturbing on American soil. I thought our country had better security and what about those people who were just doing their job that day?? It was like the day I watch the NASA tragedy as a child! rocks your inner core.
