Let me just say that the whole process to find a home in Louisville, Kentucky has been exhausting. I've searched Craigslist, Googled more rental websites than I can count, driven down random streets, e-mailed, called, and scheduled walk thru appointments. This past week I found my ideal neighborhood and a decent house. Hardwood floors, an actual WC (water closet, aka a closet with a toilet), central air and heat, small front and back yards, garage, washer/ dryer hook up, 3 bedrooms (one for me, one for guests, PLUS an office), and room for entertaining.
Yesterday, I received a fax copy of the lease. Imagine my surprise when I read the Lessor does not provide A/C. What?!!!! Only the itty bitty little window box A/C units to cool 6 rooms and 2 stories - yeah right! With the Kentucky heat and humidity - I'll be miserable. Then I thought, "Maybe I can make this work." Buy some portable A/C units. Use the ceiling fans a lot. How bad can it be?
BAD . . . according to the people who chimed in on Facebook and a few people who I talked to in Louisville (my massage Therapist at Massage Envy and the buyer/ planner at work).
So, I called the property manager and said, "Please clarify." Well, I was much more eloquent, but you get the point. He called back. "I used an old lease form. The property does have central A/C." YEAH!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!
I scheduled another walk through tomorrow just to be sure . . . :o)
Thanks to the following web location where I found the image used in this blog:
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