Saturday, March 19, 2011

Things I miss . . . and like

So, I decided to keep a running list of things I miss since I'm living in Louisville . . .
- Carne Asada (grilled Steak from Qdoba Mexican Grill does not cut it)
- Trader Joe's
- Friends
- People who stop at stop signs and lights (seems to be a higher volume of people who run them here in Louisville)
- People who merge onto the free rather than stop (Rachel warned me)

And things I like in Louisville . . . (see, I'm giving you glass half empty AND half full)
- Brisk winter/ early spring days. They are invigorating.
- Brick buildings
- My job
- My church (FABULOUS music)


  1. Sounds a little like my list from when moved to England, except there was NO mexican food at all unless I made it from scratch! I too love brisk mornings it makes the world feel fresh and new, brick buildings are just beautiful and stately looking! Glad you like your job and church too those all help life be better!
    I just got a new job 3 weeks ago, been sick for 1.5 of them....sooooo tired today....

  2. Yes...I agree strongly that Traders and a good Carne Asada are must haves but maybe you will develop a love for boiled peanuts!! I grew up in the South and they were all the rage. Miss you much!!
