Thursday, November 24, 2011


I found reason to give thanks.  Originally, when I started this week, I thought it would be hard.  You see, I'm in Louisville, Kentucky.  FAR FAR AWAY from my Thanksgiving traditions.  Emotions were all over the place. Upheaval.

But, somehow (Thanks be to God!), the week improved.  We celebrated Thanksgiving on Wednesday at work with a catered luncheon.  One of my employees asked what I was doing for Thanksgiving and wondered if I was going home or not.  I told her I was joining friends.  She was happy to hear this, and told me if I wasn't going anywhere then I was comin' to her house.  How sweet!

My Thanksgiving morning started with the joyful act of sleeping in.  Got dressed and headed to Starbucks.  Peppermint Mocha and Veggie Artisan sandwich.  Spent time working on my Believing God study.  A number of the patrons were Seminary Students (Louisville has A LOT of seminaries).  They were writing papers, reading commentaries, studying the Word, and discussing their classes.  It felt like a mini-Hallelujah moment.  Loved it!

After the Venti Peppermint Mocha and Artisan Sandwich, I drove to the Crescent Hill Reservoir.  This is supposedly the highest point in Louisville.  There is a walking path around the reservoir.  The architecture is Gothic.  The sound of water running isn't quite the same as the ocean, but I think it could be a place I go when I miss the sound of waves.  I hear in the summer it the only place where you find a breeze on the most humid days.  I walked 2.25 miles around the reservoir.  It was crisp.  My nose ran.  And I tried to jog!

I came home.  Cooked Acorn Squash Bake to take to my friend Doreen's house for Thanksgiving Dinner.  It took longer than planned to prepare both the dish and me for the evening, but eventually everything was pulled together.  I know Doreen from Summer bible study.  She is fun.  Tonight I met her husband Rocky and their dog, Maggie.  Sandra and her husband, Paul (LOVED the British accent), also joined.  Rocky's dad completed the group.  Goodness there was a lot of food and even better conversation.  A fun evening.  I missed people and my traditions from California, but tonight was definitely an enjoyable evening.  Definitely an opportunity to give thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving!