Sunday, October 17, 2010

Simply Emily

I start and stop blogs every year. They always seem like an excellent idea. A place to muse, celebrate, report, and converse. Sometimes I have followers, but usually I don't. Themes have been broad to specific. Boring and exciting.

So why now? Why "Simply Emily?" Perhaps because I'm riding a personal roller coaster. Ups and downs. And to make matters worse, I know I'm on the ride, but have no clear idea of where it is heading. This makes it extremely difficult to prepare myself for the dips and curves. As a result, I feel jerked around and totally out of control. Words provide me with an outlet to unload and process.

So, join with me (or don't) as I navigate my way through life's roller coaster. Ups and downs. Curves and straight lines. I will ride - believing deep down that the Master Navigator is firmly in control - He won't let me fly off the tracks :o)

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog, and your library background :). I like the parts of roller coasters where you can see what's coming, whether big hill, quick turn, or big drop. Less scary than when it's on a blind curve and catches you off guard. I have a big hill next semester. Hmmm, maybe I wish I didn't know it was coming, then I wouldn't already be thinking about what a climb it's going to be!
